How The Well-Being of Others Becomes My Freedom – #60

In 2008 Dr. Wayne Dyer published the book “Living the Wisdom of the Tao”. It contains the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching. Wayne Dyer wrote an affirmation to each verse to bring the meaning of it to better awareness. I was fortunate to buy that book the first time I experienced Wayne Dyer live at a lecture, and I even got the book signed by the author himself. Still, it is giving me goosebumps to think back to the moment when I was standing in front of him, handing him the book, and got it signed.

Lately, I held that book in my hands and thought: Why not picking a random verse from time to time and sharing the affirmation with you? I won’t go into the verse but only into the affirmation. For today, I picked the 60th verse, and this is Dyer’s affirmation that goes with it:

When I refrain from thoughts of harm directed toward others, I accumulate all the benefits of life.

It is a phenomenon. Bad thoughts can be sent out to other people for many reasons: to get rid of anger, to put one on a higher platform, to prove that one is right and the other one is wrong, because one feels offended, was subjectively or even objectively treated unfair or was hurt physically or mentally. It is the anger at others that is eating us up inside. It gets even worse when they are not able anymore to pass that anger on to them anymore. At least then, the insight comes closer that thoughts of harm forwarded to others can never take them away from me. They stick with me as long as I think them. It is the point where the understanding needs to form that it doesn’t change anything when blaming others for how I feel today. Do I know what I did to others in the past without even being aware of it? The responsibility for my happiness is mine, and wishing bad things on others to make me feel better will never lead to true satisfaction! Who is suffering more from hatred, the one hateful thoughts are meant for (and maybe doesn’t even know about it), or the one who sends them out?

It may be envyousness or a sign of inferiority complex, that others are blamed for what I don’t have, or don’t dare to approach. Some want others to be bad or subjectively worse off than themselves so they are not alone in their situation. They do not understand that this does not change their situation in any way, they only dig themselves deeper into it. The way out of this misery is only by “making oneself better” instead of making others bad.

When there are no thoughts of harm toward others in me, the only thoughts that fill me can be of wanting to see others in a state of well-being because I am filled with thoughts of well-being. There is no longer any need to wish ill on others. This fundamentally changes the energy in one’s entire system:

  • I don’t feel the need to offend, and therefore I don’t feel offended
  • I don’t feel pushed to control what they are doing wrong
  • I am not focused on thoughts of failure
  • Resentments dissolve
  • This all makes me feel unburdened and independent
  • I feel light
  • I am detached from any need to compete
  • I am enjoying what is
  • There is not the slightest feeling of enviousness
  • I feel motivated to share my unburdened being with others
  • I cannot help, but to let my happiness flow into others
  • In reverse, the happiness in others fuels my happiness
  • My life and my whole being feel enhanced

Try to put yourself in a state where you are free from all unwholesome thoughts toward others. How and what are you feeling? Let us know if you want! But what I want much more is that you feel this liberating joy in yourself.

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Love, Self-development


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