We Don’t Miss What We Never Knew


Before we had smartphones we have not missed them. But today, the phone breaking down can cause big issues in our daily lives. I wrote my first email in 2006. Many asked me how I could live without the internet. I said, how can I miss something which has never been part of my life? But once I had started emailing and using the internet, it comes close to a catastrophe when my laptop dies or the internet gets interrupted. When my sister went for her style coach degree, she interviewed people. One question was about the color yellow and what if it would not be part of our lives. One answer was: We wouldn’t care, because we wouldn’t even know it.

We don’t miss something we’ve never known, we’ve never used, we’ve never had. We miss what we have experience with (even when it was experienced only for a moment). Then again there can be things we have not experienced yet in this lifetime and still, there is a clear picture of it accompanying us.

I consider that this is a memory too. A file in the soul has opened up and reminds us of what we have come here in this lifetime. Or this open file releases a memory of a past life. At least I feel this way when I hear about the lives of the Native Americans and their ways of healing and living in alignment with nature. I believe, it has something to do with a past life which I still hold close to my heart although I can impossibly have experienced it during this lifetime.

We don’t only have the memory of the mind but also the memory of the soul lingering inside. Both may cause longings. Of course, there are new things which attract our attention and make us go for them. But then again, why is it that we react to them, that we recognize them? Can there be more stored inside of us that triggers a memory?

While writing this down it makes sense to me that whatever we miss or whatever we go for is filed somewhere inside. May it be an experience we want to repeat or a task, written on our life’s checklist to be achieved. There may be more memories lingering inside of us than we think…

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


very thoughtful and provocative piece Erika, what are we if we don’t have those memories? There are so many unknowns but I feel your piece and you have dabbled on questions and reflections that I also connect with 🙂

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Yes, isn’t it interesting that so many things begin to burn in our hearts one day and they feel like being part of us. There is this big plan and we mustn’t be afraid to follow its guidance through our feelings, yearnings, and dreams.
Thank you for your wonderful comment, Neha 💖

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Love this, and big smiles as my own memory often triggers that knowing of a past life, and my own affinity with our Native American brothers and sisters is because I believe we were once one.. Walking side by side..

We are all here to remember… or should I say Re- remember, because we have been here and done this many times over, each a little differently, all setting out with good intentions, yet our amnesia is set to forget until that little trigger comes along to awaken that tiny spark of remembrance that brings us that comfort blanket of feeling familiar..

And when that memory is ignited we want to keep exploring for that comfort of recognition drives us to discover more and in the process we begin to uncover who we are and who we were all along..
We think this is our first time around, maybe for some it is… And you can see why our memory as such is wiped before we try our luck here again lol..

We maybe would miss our previous experience, or the memory of it would be too traumatic..
I know this inst the point you are making here dear Erika.. but your post sent me on my own thought process lol.. As your words often do.. 🙂

Which is why I feel there is a ‘File’ written in the Ethers somewhere, our blue-print known as the Akashic records… Logging every thought, every action..
And often We perhaps yearn for what we miss, but have no words here to describe what it is we do miss..

Like once when I was channelling in trance and the person came through to tell us about blooms of flowers where she was, and the colours were of a totally different spectrum than ours.. When asked what kinds of colours, She said she had no words in our language to relate them too, because they were so different..

I thank you dearest Erika for expanding our thinking beyond the box.. and for your wise words which always resonate and get me thinking …
Much love dear friend and have a wonderful new week ahead.. ❤
Sue ❤

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As you always do whether, with your posts or your comments, it gives me goosebumps from the depth that is vibrating from your words, Sue. Now, that you mentioned the Akasha records, yes, of course, the big pot of all that has ever been experienced. And since each one of us is not only one soul coming back again in the same remedy it makes sense that we remember a lot from other souls’ past lives or a collective reminder that meets everyone down here. Most of all now that we are supposed to remember that we need each other in order to heal this planet. Gosh, this all makes so much sense.
Thank you for letting your thoughts flow and adding inspiration. I hope that many read your wonderful and important words, Sue. Thank from my heart 💖

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I think sometimes we have too much social electronic exposure. I sometimes take a break from it all. Probably why I haven’t been on WP much either.
I love this post and your thoughts. How can we miss what we never had? 💜🦋

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I try to avoid too much distraction too and I have already managed to make it happen. I can already connect better to that inner voice and follow the string of dreams I want to realize. Beautiful memories sent down for me to be achieved. Thank you, Michelle 😊

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I have a file…a live one. My higher self is constantly guiding me, sharing data in all its forms. And not just reading some text but a live transmission of feelings, emotions and a love I could never explain because of its beauty and…well, it just is us all. Each and every minute particle of us and all around is built on it. To put into words is like describing the earth as round…there is just so much more.
So my point is…we do know…it is there and we yearn for it always…we’re just not sure how to describe something that is indescribable.
So I suppose your right, if we never knew, how could we miss something. But thankfully my heart knows…even if I block it as I stumble along. And one day it will knock on my door and ask me to come in and introduce me to what I have always wanted…to love me 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘

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You always find the most wonderful words to describe the undescribable. I feel the same about it. And I am sure even those who claim they don’t, they feel that live file. We are receiving information constantly and when a certain point was reached we get the information we need to build up on it. May it be a vision, a yearning, a dream that comes up. It is stored somewhere. We can call it memory or simply the connection to our higher self that knows our plan and guides us through by the impulses it sends to us. As soon as we learn again to trust that higher wisdom that speaks through us the smoother we follow a map made only for the individual.
Oh, I love this picture. Thank you so much for leaving such inspiring toughts, Mark 🙏😊

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I feel sure, that you are right, Erika.
When we arrive here, there was a plan, which we live for in our childhood, best possible. Often adults don’t have contact with their inner soul, as we get raised to believe in, what we can see and feel. If we ask kids about fx imaginary friends, they can often tell a long story about same. After about 10 years old, we are changing in our skin to become teenagers and many loose the spiritual contact, as they had, while they were kids. All this is, of course my thoughts, no one knows, what is for real or not.

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Yes, exactly, many if not most of us are taught to ignore and even deny that plan and the voice inside. It is also when the fontanelles are closing at about an age of 7 the contact gets more likely lost. But we always feel that there is something and that we are made for more than only running the hamster wheel others prepared for us. It is then to unlock that door again and then …. wow…. what a rediscovery that is!!
I agree, it may not be a real fact. But if it is true for you or for me or for her or him… then it has at least meaning for us/them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Irene 💖

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No, I stopped believing in co-incidences long agoe. There is always a greater context and a reason behind everything. In the end everything is connected which leads again to the fact that all is one… I think I digressed here … thank you for this inspiration, Irene💖

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