What Would You Do If There Were No Limits?


There are so many projects living in my impatient heart to be realized. Although I would love to go for each one immediately they have to take numbers because I am only one woman ( who is already working two jobs, has a house and garden, is managing a family, and is starting a 3 years education next year,… to mention only a few). Each one of the additional projects in my pipeline is “burning under my fingernails” as we say in German. But each one is also pretty time consuming and would actually need my full attention. Of course, I don’t want to stress myself completely out. But, as I said in Dreams – Reminders Of Your Soul, you cannot silence the calling only because it doesn’t fit in your current agenda. It only gets louder over time. It is who you are and it wants to be lived. It is worse to be unhappy because you don’t live your purpose than having a full agenda but a content heart.


However, it made me think because a lack of time is one of those factors which can get in the way and keep us from turning towards those things our hearts are dedicated to. It is definitely not always an excuse because not everybody can just quit their jobs and ignore their obligations. We need to make a living and have responsibilities to fulfill. Also, time is not necessarily an excuse provoked by fear. It probably doesn’t even come that far that fear can occur. Because the enability to handle the time management already blocks further thoughts.


When time is so rare it can indeed cause feelings of overwhelm when thinking of how to squeeze a project in… and we wipe those upcoming ideas or visions away. But what can we lose if we removed that block and imagined how it would be like if that inner picture became reality? What can we lose if we – just for fun – make a plan on how it could be realized? Perhaps it turns out that it is really not possible to find a way of making something happen right now. But there is a 50% chance that the opposite happens and possibilities appear to make little but at least first steps. And while forming ideas, even more options may come to mind. As a consequence of this process, we realize that time has never been the real factor. It was our disbelief that kept us from making the effort to look closer.

Only because I have never experienced it,
doesn’t mean it was not experienced yet.

Only because I cannot imagine it,
doesn’t mean it is not realizable.

Only because I cannot understand it,
doesn’t mean it is not possible.

Only because no one has ever done it,
before doesn’t mean it cannot be done.

To find out if it is a fact that we cannot make it happen or if it is our mind keeping us inside our comfort zone, we need to align with that inner picture glowing in the heart. In my post from last Monday, There Is Only Love or No Love, I said that love is our natural state of being and that only love can merge with who we really are. Same over here, we need to tune ourselves in the energy of what we want to be or want to have. Otherwise, it is like wanting to listen to a specific radio station but not changing the channel. We need to feel the passion and enthusiasm for the outcome. Then we put ourselves in a state where the heart can freely paint our visions in the brightest colors. Once we do that, we are one with the energy of the project and detached from the energy of excuses. Being in the energy of what we want opens up the mindset for solutions. We take a new perspective and look towards the realization. And as always, what we seek we will find. We can only find options when we look out for them.


I just said in aligning with the outcome you can find out whether your project can be realized or not. This is not quite true. Because once aligned with the energy of your project you only look at the direction of solutions and you already are on the road towards the realization. And there is something else: Once you entered your soul’s sphere you are connected with its divine origin. And you clearly feel that there is a way because with God all things are possible. 

Whatever I want in life, I need to be it before my physical eyes can see it.
So, what would you do if there were no limits?

Credits: anchoronthebrightside.com|www.brainyquote.com|https://everydaypower.com|www.quotehd.com

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Amazing content, this post resonates with me so deeply!

I’ve made a personal choice this year to really start becoming more in tune with myself. Going full speed again with blogging, living a gluten/dairy/refined sugar free lifestyle, venturing out in entrepreneurship, just engaging fully in all things that bring me peace and fulfillment!

Glad to have found your page. I look forward to reading more of your content ❤️

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Hello, power lady! This is a great what you are showing here through your own example. Making the determined decision already generates such a motivational power and then haninging in and seeing that you can make it only increases the determination, and motivataion to keep it up. I am very happy for you that you have made the step and see the beneficial unfolding in your life.

Thank you very much for stopping by. I am happy you too that you have found me and I am looking forward to lots of inspiring discussions. May I ask about your name?💖

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Thank you Erika. Much need to fit together for such a big move. I need to find a house for rent, where I’m allowed to have my old dog and old cat. Then the practically about the move and then the payment of all, which is why, I can’t do it as fast as I would like to.

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I can imagine well how much needs to be organized, found, and needs to fit for such a move. But I also know that you aree only following a higher guidance with your move and that guidance will guide you in this matter too. You are such a faithful person and you will see the signs clearly💖

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Oh, yes, the next year has already arrived and I am fully digging into all the new doors which will open up. It is no secret at all. I am studying phytotherapie and plan on going the whole way to the herbal expert. I have started to create a skin care line and I want to only use natural ingredients. I already work as an aromatherapist for over 10 years but I want to learn everything about it in order to know how to apply which herb in which form (regarding health, cooking, and skin care). I am a herbal witch… lol!

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