Hits By Years – 1973


New day and a new week of Hits by Years. We continue with 1973 and I am starting with a real earworm. So get up … no matter what the title says!

Get Down – Gilbert O’Sullivan


Feel free to add or mention in the comments your favorite song of 1973 and the memory that connects you with it.

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


70s, Hits by years


Happy Monday evening, Erika! The sound is great, and the title dedicated to our sanitized war memorial. LoL @oikossms We had put it down, i a very democratic manner. Someone from our village once said that I was unpredictable. But they didn’t want to believe it. 🙂 Remember the “Dreigroschenoper”: “Die einen stehn im Dunkeln die anderen im Licht. Man sieht nur die im Lichte, die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht. LoL LG Michael

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Oh…. you just posted my heart throb way back when… I bought his album and knew all of the words off by heart… I even had a silhouette sticker of his portrait on my bedroom window that I shared with my three sisters… ❤ You made my Day ❤

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This is one of the songs which remind me of breakfast in the kitchen. My mom has always turned the radio on in the morning and this song makes me recall sitting inat the kitchen table drinking my hot cocoa (while my feet could not touch the ground yet) 😊


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