Be A Mender

mikhail-gorbachev-37941.jpgOur world is a collection of varieties. Too often we look at them as reasons for separation. That’s human in some way since we always look at the world from our own perspective. There is basically nothing wrong with that. We need that in order to develop individually. But there is this other side we must not forget: We all develop individually and therefore we need the variety in order that everyone gets served. It is neither right nor wrong, it simply is. And what is, exists for a reason.

kofiannan_quote.jpgWhat I may not understand may not be meant for me or maybe it is not meant for me yet. There is no reason to deny, to eliminate, to denounce. Not understanding should rather force me to figure it out because there must be a reason why it caught my attention. As long as it is not something that obviously threatens me there is no need for defense. Instead, we should stand in awe realizing what a miracle it is that there is something or someone perfectly adjusted for everybody in every given moment to prove themselves, to challenge them, to lift them, to motivate them, to explore them, to discover more about themselves, to improve them, …


In recognizing this perfect organization which not only serves the individual but at the same time a group of people or even everybody at the same time is a proof that we are meant to be here. That each one of us is important and that we as a collective are important. No one is forgotten – maybe by the human mates but not by that higher consciousness that made this possible. Let’s do ourselves a favor and see this divine gift, this love, and dedicated care for each and every being.

Wayne-W-Dyer-Quote-When-you-judge-another-you-do-not-define-them.jpgLet’s reach our hands instead of breaking dreams. Let’s show our respect and appreciation for the diversity and for the endless possibilities that are given for widening our own horizons. Let’s embrace it instead of pushing it away. Let’s connect instead of separate. We all have the same need: We want to live a happy life. The ways to reach that may be different but the goal is the same. Let’s grant this for others as we want it to be granted for ourselves. Let’s realize us starting to judge whether something is right or wrong with someone or whether someone is more or less deserving. Who am I to estimate it? Most of us are not enlightened and I believe the more we dare to judge others or to think we are entitled to tell them how to live their lives, the less we are.


Let’s stop this. Let’s heal rifts. Let’s build bridges that everybody may walk over them. Let’s open our hearts and minds for the fullness of life. Let’s be menders!


In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Healing, Love, Peace


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